Saito Shihan’s 17th Anniversary Memorial Service

May 4, 2018

Kreg Lyles

  Morihiro Saito Shihan’s 17th Anniversary Memorial Service Late MORIHIRO SAITO SHIHAN March 3, 1928 ~ May 13, 2002 The 17th Anniversary Memorial Service May 6, 2018 Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai Dojo Iwama-Town, Kasama-city, Ibaraki-prefecture, Japan Hitohira Jukucho, the eldest son of Morihiro Shihan, putting a finishing touch in the preparation of a “kagezen (a meal for an absent person or …

Welcome to Denver! ​How many Aikido techniques can you come up with from looking at the Sculpture???

March 23, 2018

Kreg Lyles

“Irimi Nage”, “Shiho Nage”, “Kote Gaeshi”, “Ushiro Tekubi Tori”, and probably many, many more…   Aikido Nippon Kan is only less than a mile to the southwest from where the sculpturein the photo stands. A well-known Japanese Country Food Restaurant DOMO is also located on the same property. Please come check us out whenever you are in the greater Denver …

For this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8: Girls Mentorship and Awareness Workshop

March 21, 2018

Kreg Lyles

​Nepalese Army Aikido members (led by ANTC Aikido Nippon Kan Training Center (ANTC) Dan Gurung Head Instructor of Nepalese Army Rangers) are getting involved with various AHAN activities on top of and in-between regularly scheduled hard practices. ​The photo(s) are from when they held “Girls Mentorship and Awareness Workshop” to commemorate this year’s International Women’s Day. ​Nepalese Army Rangers ANTC …

Nippon Kan Aikido Seminars to commemorate Nepal’s Army Day

March 12, 2018

Kreg Lyles

Aikido Nippon Kan’s Homma Kancho visits 4 regiments. Nepali Army Rangers’ ANTC (Aikido Nippon Kan Training Center), de-facto standard Nepali Army’s Aikido Headquarter, led by Dan Gurung, Nepali Army’s Chief Aikido Instructor & an Aikido instructor acknowledged by Aikido Nippon Kan U.S. Headquarters, train 100+ Aikido instructor-candidates annually through a training regimen of 6 hours of training per day for …

Memorable Photos of Morihiro Saito Shihan in 1995

March 11, 2018

Kreg Lyles

      We just finished an Aikido Seminar with much success the day before, and late MorihiroSaito Shihan (“Morihiro Shihan”, hereafter) and we were going to leave for a hot spring in the Rocky Mountains in the morning. ​Morihiro Shihan woke up at 7:00AM as usual, showed up in the living room and came into the kitchen…  He grabbed …


December 12, 2017

Kreg Lyles

Hiromi Matsuoka’s fluid motion and Aikido movements to execute a series of Aikido techniques are backed by her dedication to basic physical training by which she has been able to maintain her strong legs and core muscles to keep a low center of gravity for stability, strength and flexibility. Many people have viewed and shown keen interest in the video …

The Origin of Nippon Kan as an Independent Dojo

November 15, 2017

Kreg Lyles

This is the letter written by late Kisshomaru Ueshiba, then Doshu, a son of Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder of Aikido, dated on August 11, 1969 and addressed to Homma Kancho when he was still a young man who would not yet have founded Nippon Kan. The letter clearly states Homma Kancho had been an uchideshi of the Founder of Aikido, …

2015 Summer Uchideshi Graduates (Video)

August 1, 2015


NOTES FROM EDITOR: In March Homma Kancho and Nippon Kan students visited Nepal. Less than a month after their return, Nepal was struck by a devastating earthquake on April 25th, 2015. Since that fateful day, AHAN Nepal emergency supply and long term support projects have taken the highest priority at AHAN Nippon Kan General Headquarters in Denver. The recovery from …

New 2015 Uchideshi at Nippon Kan

April 1, 2015


April-June 2015 Miki Tsuchiya Miki is a university student from Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan came to study at Nippon Kan as an uchideshi student at the recommendation of Aikido Kobayashi Dojo this year. Miki showed an admirable initiative and was well liked for her positive practice, independence and self motivation. Miki assisted the office staff on many projects and made a …

Uchideshi News

August 30, 2014


For the uchideshi (live-in students) who graduated from the 2014 Nippon Kan Summer Marathon or their 3-month summer uchideshi program, life was not easy. All of these uchideshi graduates practiced for up to 7 hours a day, 6 days a week. Dealing with jetlag, different foods, living conditions, customs and a variety of ages and physical conditions added to this …

Uchideshi News

September 1, 2011


Luca Bocedi Nippon Kan Graduate Uchideshi Sept 2011 A visual arts professional, Luca made major contributions in assisting Homma Kancho in producing video productions for the Nippon Kan website. Since his graduation, Luca has returned to Italy where he works as a busy free-lance visual graphic arts specialist. Corrado Biondi Nippon Kan Graduate Uchideshi Sept 2011 Corrado was our first …

Uchideshi News

August 20, 2010


Nippon Kan Uchideshi Practice at Enshin Karate August 20th, 2010 Nippon Kan uchideshi had a special challenge one day in August as they traveled to Enshin (home of the Sabaki Challenge full-contact international karate tournament) Headquarters in Denver for a special practice. Kancho Joko Ninomiya and his son Koichi Ninomiya Sensei personally instructed our Nippon Kan uchideshi in the …

Uchideshi News

August 17, 2010


Curry for 300 August 17th, 2010 One of the responsibilities of being an uchideshi (live-in student) at Nippon Kan is helping to prepare and serve our monthly dinner for the homeless at the Denver Rescue Mission. This dinner is served on the 3rd Sunday of every month and has been a Nippon Kan tradition for the last 20 years. On …

Graduating Uchideshi

September 4, 2009


Norihiro Hayashi Oct 4th, 2009   Introduced by Kobayashi dojo in Japan, Norihiro Hayashi finished a full three month term before returning back to Japan. His next plans include either going to college or working to save enough money to travel the world. Congratulations on completing your uchideshi term Nori, you are always welcome at Nippon Kan as an alumni! …

Uchideshi News

August 31, 2009


Ava Yancha, coordinator of AHAN Nippon Kan Mindanao arrived this summer for her second three-month term as an uchideshi student at Nippon Kan. Her visit was made possible this time by local prominent sponsors in Illigan City. The purpose of this current 3-month term is to continue her instructor training and understanding of Nippon Kan Aikido, humanitarian project organization and …